COVID-19 Information


NSNY has been carefully managing and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are dedicated to helping our stakeholders do the same. We are presently open to the public and our professional staff is continuing to provide quality support and assistance to all our stakeholders. NSNY is offering our courses online and in a virtual instructor-led format as well as a hybrid or blended version format so we can continue to serve Yukon's training needs.                                                   

Sheila Sergy, Executive Director                                                   A special thank you to our front-line and essential workers.                     


We will be updating this page with information on NSNY training, COR/SECOR/OCOP processes,  NSNY services and resources, and with what we are doing to address operational changes resulting from COVID-19.

This page has been developed for the purpose of sharing general information gathered from a variety of sources.  The resources and information found here are not a definitive, up-to-date guide to complying with the orders of Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health or navigating the multiple layers of applicable legislation, regulations and directives.  The NSNY does not guarantee the accuracy of, nor assume liability for, the information presented here.

As the COVID-19 pandemic and our governments’ response to it evolves very quickly, individual companies should continuously monitor the landscape and evaluate their work sites on a case-by-case basis when determining what actions to take to protect their employees and the public from the spread of COVID-19.


NSNY staff is available to answer questions or provide assistance by email or phone.

Joey McNeil, Operations Coordinator: or phone 867-633:6673

Barb Ruf, COR Coordinator:

Emma Allen, COR Advisor: 

Randi Brodhagen, Training Coordinator:

Sheila Sergy, Executive Director:



November 13, 2021

As per the new regulations set in place by the Yukon Government, masks will be mandatory when attending in-person classes held by NSNY.

Participants are also required to be double vaccinated and have proof of being such. 

 If you wish to read more about the new regulations and the Yukon’s response to rising cases, please see below;


 May 1, 2020 Release


Over the last few weeks, NSNY has been working to establish viable options for companies that are facing COR or TLC expiry dates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All COR audits should follow good hygiene practices (i.e. social/physical distancing). NSNY understands your company may be scaling back operations or changing their current work process flows, and as such, auditors will need to be flexible in their ability to conduct site observations and employee interviews.

To safely carry out your external audit, NSNY is asking that:

  • documentation for review be provided electronically to your external auditor
  • instead of in-person interviews when physical distancing is not possible, NSNY encourages that alterative means for conducting interviews be done (such as video conferencing/video calls, phone call, email)
  • observational tours are carried out safely in a way that follows good hygiene practices (social/physical distancing). If this is not a possibility, please contact NSNY to discuss other site observation options (such as a virtual site tour and/or providing photos of your site(s))

We understand that your company may not be at their usual medium to peak operating levels at the time of your audit. If this is the case, please contact the NSNY prior to beginning your external audit.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your audit, please contact the NSNY to discuss options.


Just like the process for external audits, internal auditors should follow good hygiene practices (i.e. social/physical distancing) while conducting their audit. Please follow the directions above in the external audit section on how to safely conduct your company’s internal audit.

If you have any questions or concerns, regarding your audit, please contact the NSNY.


NSNY’s COR™ Action Plan offers companies an alternative way to maintain their COR™. This option will allow you to maintain safe distancing measures as no observations or interviews are needed while respecting the core value of continual improvement.

Action Plans allow COR™-holding companies a way to make their health and safety programs better by implementing suggestions for improvements from their previous audits and safety objectives that may be outside of their normal audit scopes.

Please visit contact NSNY or visit our website HERE to learn more about the process and to see if your company qualifies for this option. The Action Plan FAQ has also been attached included in this email for you to review.


NSNY has been working to make this easier for companies to complete and/or refresh the courses required for COR/SECOR (re)certification during this time. NSNY offers an online option for the following courses required for COR/SECOR:

  • Principles of Health & Safety Management (PHSM) – available HERE
  • Basics of Workers’ Compensation & Intro to Return to Work (RTW) – available HERE

*NEW* In addition, NSNY is now offering the following courses as Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT):

  • Leadership for Safety Excellence
  • Leadership Refresher
  • Joint Health & Safety Committee/Rep Training

Stay tuned as more courses may become available as digital or virtual instructor-led options. If the course you require is currently not available, or you are unable to complete the required training, please contact the NSNY.

If you have any questions concerns or would like to discuss your unique situation, please contact us:


Release April 30, 2020

AUDITING DURING COVID-19 - Frequently Asked Questions UPDATED

NSNY is here to help you navigate through your auditing process during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for your convenience.

Should you have further questions, please contact us at or

1. How do I request an audit?

Before beginning any audit, the pre-audit checklist must be filled out and submitted via email to NSNY for review and approval. The pre-audit checklists are available on the NSNY website HERE

2. Can I begin an audit if my company has not completed all the course requirements?

Yes, based case by case, NSNY will allow an audit to begin for COR™, SECOR™, and TLC companies if the training has not yet been completed. Once courses resume as usual the company will need to complete the required training.  Please check the NSNY website for updates on training options. Currently, some COR™/SECOR™ courses are offered as an online course or Virtual Instructor-Led Training course. Please contact the NSNY office or visit for more information. Internal Audits must be conducted by a trained Internal Auditor. 


3. How to do an external audit at this time?

While carrying out audits during the COVID-19 pandemic, all audits should follow good hygiene practices (i.e. social/physical distancing). NSNY is encouraging that:

  • All documentation be provided electronically for review.
  • An alternative to in-person interviews is done when physical distancing is not possible, such as video conferencing/video calls, phone call or email. Auditors can work with the company to decide the best option and ensure that the interviews will still remain private and confidential. In your executive summary, please reference how the interviews were conducted.
  • Observational tours are carried out safely in a way that follows good hygiene practices (social/physical distancing). If this is not a possible, please contact NSNY to discuss other site observation options (such as a virtual site tour and/or providing photos of your site(s)). In the executive summary, please reference how the site observations were carried out.

If you have any concerns regarding your audit, please contact the NSNY prior to beginning the audit.

4. How do I do an internal audit at this time?

Just like the process for external audits, internal auditors should follow good hygiene practices (i.e. social/physical distancing) while conducting their audit. Please follow the directions above in the external audit section on how to safely conduct your company’s internal audit.

If you have any questions or concerns, regarding your audit, please contact the NSNY

Alternatively, your company may be eligible for the Action Plan option (COR™ companies only).

5. What is the COR™ Action Plan option?

NSNY’s COR™ Action Plan offers qualifying companies an alternative way to maintain their COR™. This option will allow you to maintain safe distancing measures as no observations or interviews are needed while respecting the core value of continual improvement. Action Plans allow COR™-holding companies a way to make their health and safety programs better by implementing suggestions for improvements from their previous audits and safety objectives that may be outside of their normal audit scopes.

Please visit contact NSNY or visit our website to learn more about the process and to see if your company qualifies for this option.

6. What if my company does not have a worksite or will not be at the regular medium to peak operating levels as we usually are at our audit time?

NSNY understands that some companies may not be at their regular medium to peak operating levels at the time of their audit. If this is the case, or if there are any other issues that come up, please contact the NSNY prior to beginning the audit.

7. Do I still need to submit my OCOP records for review?

Yes, OCOP records should still be submitted to NSNY on your company’s anniversary date via email. The submission is based on documentation completed during the previous 12 months. Please contact if you have questions regarding your OCOP submission.

8. Do I still need to submit my SECOR™ Annual Documentation Review?

Yes, the SECOR Annual Documentation Review Submission should still be submitted to NSNY on your company’s anniversary date electronically via email if possible. NSNY has extended the due date for the SECOR submission to Dec 31, 2020, for companies who require it. The submission is based on documentation completed during the previous 12 months. Please contact if you have questions regarding your SECOR Annual Documentation Submission.


Release April 1, 2020


To help ease the burden for our COR/SECOR/TLC companies and to help flatten the curve for COVID-19, NSNY is implementing the following changes to our COR, SECOR, and TLC processes:

  • Since our in-class training courses have been temporarily suspended, we are allowing companies to register for required training at a later date. Some of the required COR/SECOR courses are available online (PHSM & RTW).
  • NSNY is also exploring alternate training options and will keep you apprised as information becomes available
  • We are no longer accepting paper submissions of the SECOR Annual Documentation Review, OCOP Records, COR/SECOR applications, or Pre-Audit Checklists. Please email your submissions to for review.


NSNY has extended the COR/SECOR audit due dates for all audits (internal & external) which are normally due in March, April, and May to June 30, 2020.

NSNY staff is happy to assist you in any way you need to navigate these changing times. At this time there will be no interruption to the COR services we provide.

If you have any questions concerns or would like to discuss your unique situation, please email


NSNY offers a variety of online courses (some of which are required for COR/SECOR) that can help build your health and safety skills or advance your career. Take out online courses today to stay current and engaged with your professional development.

  • To access NSNY’s online courses, click HERE
  • To access NSNY’s external eLearning courses, click HERE

Sheila Sergy, Executive Director


Release March 30, 2020

AUDITING DURING COVID-19 -- Frequently Asked Questions

NSNY is here to help you navigate through your auditing process during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions for your convenience.

NSNY has been working with individual companies on their audit submissions and given the current situation, we will consider COR™ audit submission timelines on a case-by-case basis upon written request by the company during this period. 

Should you have further questions, please contact us at or

1. How do I request an audit?

Before beginning any audit, the pre-audit checklist must be filled out and submitted via email to NSNY for review and approval. The pre-audit checklists are available on the NSNY website HERE

2. Can I begin an audit if my company hasn’t completed all the course requirements?

Yes, based case by case, NSNY will allow an audit to begin for COR™, SECOR™, and TLC companies if the training has not yet been completed. Once courses resume as usual the company will need to complete the required training. Internal Audits must be conducted by a trained Internal Auditor.


3. How to do an audit at this time?

As a precaution against COVID-19 and to promote social (physical) distancing, NSNY is allowing audits to be completed with documentation and interviews only.

Documentation & Interview only audits allow for the review of documentation, which can be done remotely and electronically, without having to conduct in-person observations. Interviews can be done over the phone or through email.  Site observations will not be required at this time though after audit site observations may be required.

4. Do I have to submit documentation with my audit on a documentation only audit?

NSNY may request documentation to be submitted electronically via email as a requirement of a documentation only audit.

5. What if I’ve already done the observations required for my audit?

If you have already completed all the data collection (documentation, observations, and interviews) required for your audit, then please submit your audit via email as you would normally do.

6. Will conducting a Documentation and Interview only audit maintain my internal auditor status?

Yes, conducting this type of audit will maintain your internal auditor status for one year. Note: If you are due for the Internal Auditor Recertification, you will still be required to complete this recertification before your expiry date. Please contact to arrange your recertification.

7. How do I complete a Documentation and Interview only audit?

To complete this type of audit, you will not need to fill out the observation checklist. The rest of the document can be filled out the usual way (documentation and interview portions) and submitted to the NSNY. NSNY will calculate and manually adjust your audit score so that it is not affected by the observation portion of the questions.

8. Do I still need to submit my SECOR™ Annual Documentation Review?

Yes, the SECOR Annual Documentation Review Submission should still be submitted to NSNY on your company’s anniversary date via email. The submission is based on documentation completed during the previous 12 months. Please contact if you have questions regarding your SECOR Annual Documentation Submission.


Release March 17, 2020


The Northern Safety Network Yukon (NSNY) is taking precautions to help minimize exposure for our stakeholders relating to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).

We have established a team to proactively monitor and assess the ongoing effects of COVID-19, following guidelines from the Public Health Agency of Canada, the World Health Organization, and Yukon Government – Information about COVID-19 to ensure the procedures we are implementing are appropriate and timely. 
Given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, NSNY is suspending all in-classroom training effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020, through Friday, April 3, 2020. (subject to change as new information arises). You will be contacted by NSNY staff if you are currently registered for a course during this period.
To do our part in helping stop the spread of COVID-19, we will temporarily close our offices to the general public as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Our professional staff will continue to work both onsite at our facilities and/or offsite at remote locations to provide quality support and assistance to our stakeholders by email.

Sheila Sergy, Executive Director


eLearning -- please visit our eLearning page for a complete list of courses we offer online. 

Coronavirus: Action Plan for the Workplace ACCESS HERE  

Covid-19: What Employees need to know ACCESS HERE



The NSNY has been working closely with our partner safety associations in the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations, other safety associations, various public agencies, and industry associations to assemble this resource.


The risk of COVID-19 remains low in Yukon. To self-assess for COVID please refer to the Yukon Government COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool.



Workers who are ill and believe to have been at high risk of contracting COVID-19 after travel abroad; or are immunocompromised, should alert their manager or supervisor and contact the YG Information on COVID-19, seek medical advice, or call 811. (watch for updates)


  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash hands frequently and thoroughly, including between fingers, under fingernails and wrists; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes using a tissue or into the elbow or sleeve, being sure to cover the mouth, putting used tissue in the garbage and washing hands after or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Do not go to work while ill


Source: BCCSA

To prevent a disease or virus from spreading on-site, take the following steps:

  • Emphasize hand hygiene etiquette by all employees at toolbox talks and orientations – lead by example,
  • put up posters of proper handwashing techniques.
  •  Ensure that handwashing stations and alcohol-based hand sanitizers are on-site and available for all workers.
  •  All offices and non-porous tools are sanitized and cleaned regularly.
  •  Actively encourage sick employees to stay home.
  •  Do not permit anyone to enter a worksite if;
  1. They or a member of their household have traveled outside the country within the past 14 days
  2.  They or a member of their household have exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days
  3.  Symptoms include: (Fever, Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Sore throat, sneezing)
  •  Perform environmental routine cleanings.
  •  Plan to minimize exposure between employees and the public – follow social distancing procedures.
  •  Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  •  Do not share cups, glasses, dishes or cutlery.
  •  Place informative posters telling people what to do if they get sick


  • Sanitize hands upon entering a building.
  • Wash hands regularly; scrub for 20 seconds with soap and water, use a one-use paper towel or hand dryer.
  • Disinfect desk/work area daily.
  • Clean commonly touched areas twice daily; commonly touched areas include light switches, doorknobs, taps, handrails, countertops, toys, touch screens/mobile devices, keyboards.
  • Practice social distancing in general, keep a distance from other people
  • Avoid shaking hands


Acknowledging that the NSNY serves a large and diverse member base, here are a few key recommendations:

  • Put people first: The health and well-being of your employees is a top concern.. Establish a strategy to allow staff to work without putting themselves at risk, whether that’s working from home, establishing a new cleaning/sterilizing process or rotating limited staff in shifts. 
  • Communicate: People need transparency right now more than ever. Communicate clearly and often with employees, vendors, customers and other key stakeholders. Use information from credible and reliable news sources, such as the federal and provincial governments, Public Health Agency of Canada and World Health Organization. 
  • Prioritize key business functions: Assess your business to identify potential service disruptions and the critical products/services your company provides. Determine processes to prioritize those areas that are critical to the business and customers. 


  1. Follow the Advice of Health Authorities: Yukon Government
  2. Stay Informed about Government Measures to help businesses: Government of Canada
  3. Communicate with Clients



CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Gallup - Strategies and Policies from the World's Largest Companies

MENTAL HEALTH & FITNESS-Manage anxiety & stress

Source: CDC -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 “The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.”  Stress and Coping



Useful Links: COVID-19

 Click Here for the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)

To view all of CCOHS’ free pandemic-related resources, please visit

Click here for the World Health Organization (WHO)

Click Here for the Government of Canada -- Public Health Agency of Canada

Click here for Yukon Government Information about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) for Yukoners

Click Here for The Yukon Chamber of Commerce

Click Here for Yukon Worker Compensation Health and Safety Board

Covid-19 and Assistance for Small Business



BCCSA: Office Reopening Guidance

Enhanced CleaningCOVID-19 Enhanced Cleaning

Toolbox Talk: COVID 19, Safe Work Practices: COVID-19 Safe Work Practice Toolbox Talk

Toolbox Talk: Social Distancing

Preventative ProceduresConstruction Site COVID-19 Prevention Procedures

Useful Posters: Site Posters - COVID-19

Risk Assessment Decision-Making Guidelines (source  Risk Assessment 

Managing Anxiety for Canadians: Anxiety CanadaTools and resources for managing anxiety

COVID-19 Rapid Response: Business Consulting Group (BCG) Rapid Crisis Response CHECKLIST

Working From Home: New to working from home? Click here for tips from the professionals.  



The use of this COVID-19 Information Page is at the user’s sole risk, regardless of any fault or negligence of the NSNY.  The resource documents and information reproduced here are not a definitive, up-to-date guide to complying with the orders of Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health or navigating the multiple layers of applicable legislation, regulations and directives.  All applicable legislative provisions and regulatory orders will govern in the event of conflict with any information found on this COVID-19 Information Page, and the NSNY does not guarantee the accuracy of, nor assume liability for, the documents and information published here.

Copyright ©  This material is not to be used, reproduced, stored or transmitted for commercial purposes without prior written permission from the author.